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Getting Started

About this plugin

Godot Rapier Physics is a Rust wrapper on top of the Rapier Lib written for Godot. Rapier is a set of 2D and 3D physics libraries written by Dimforge.


This plugin is still being written and may lack features and performance. For a complete list of what features it has and what is worked on, read Implementation Progress page.

Get started by installing the plugin and activate the new Physics Server installed.

What you'll need

  • Godot version 4 or above.
  • Rapier plugin from the Godot Asset Library.

Install the plugin

First create a new Godot Project. Next click on the AssetLib tab and search for the Rapier addon and click on the version you want.

installing the plugin


There are 4 versions of the Rapier plugin. One for 2D, one for 3D.

For every dimension there is:

  • a faster version with parallel SIMD feature
  • a slower version with cross platform determinism.

The parallel SIMD one uses parallel solving and Single instruction, multiple data (batches multiple instructions into one for faster calculations).

The cross platform determinism version supports determistic simulations across multiple systems, but has NO parallel and NO SIMD features.

Then click Download.

download plugin

and Install.

click install


If asked to restart, select yes.

Activate the Physics Engine

Go to Project -> Project Settings. Enable the Advanced Settings on the top right.

Then go to Physics/2D or Physics/3D. At the Physics Engine dropdown select the Rapier2D or Rapier3D physics engine.

activate plugin

Web Settings

When exporting for web, you have to enable a few settings, otherwise the whole build will give an error. Go to Project -> Export... and enable both Extension Support and Thread Support:


Next, you can also enable the Runnable option and then click Run in browser:



Do not install both the 2D and 3D version of Rapier plugin on web. Only one works at a time.