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Project Settings

There are some options which can be configured for the Rapier library that change the physics simulation for the whole project. These can be accessed from Project Settings -> Physics -> Rapier:


  • Num Internal Pgs Iterations: Number of internal Project Gauss Seidel (PGS) iterations run at each solver iteration.
  • Num Additional Friction Iterations: Number of addition friction resolution iteration run during the last solver sub-step.
  • Num Iterations: The number of solver iterations run by the constraints solver for calculating forces
  • Max Ccd Sub Steps: Maximum number of sub steps performed by the solver.
  • Contact Skin: A skin that is added to each shape. This can also be added individually to bodies by calling:
    var contact_skin = 0.1 # Any value
    RapierPhysicsServer2D.body_set_extra_param(body_rid, 0, contact_skin)
    # or
    RapierPhysicsServer3D.body_set_extra_param(body_rid, 0, contact_skin)
  • Length Unit 2D: The approximate size of most dynamic objects in the scene. For 2D it is 100 as gravity in Godot is 980, and in real life it is 9.8.
  • Length Unit 3D: The approximate size of most dynamic objects in the scene. For 3D it is 1 as gravity in Godot is 9.8, and in real life it is 9.8.
  • Fluid Particle Radius: The Particle Radius used for each Particle when simulating Fluids. For 2D it defaults to 20 and for 3D it defaults to 0.5
  • Fluid Smoothing Factor: The Smoothing Factor used when simulating Fluids.