📄️ Physics Engine
The Physics Engine is a system that offers Spaces, Areas, Static Bodies, Rigid Bodies, Shapes, Joints and Character Controllers:
📄️ Fluids
The Rapier Physics Server adds Fluid2D and Fluid3D nodes that make it possible to simulate fluids.
📄️ Rigid Bodies
Configuring rigid bodies can be difficult. This page describes some of the most common configurations.
📄️ Project Settings
There are some options which can be configured for the Rapier library that change the physics simulation for the whole project. These can be accessed from Project Settings -> Physics -> Rapier:
📄️ Serialization
Since this addon is written in the Rust language, it is fairly easy to save and load the state of it at any time. For this there are some helper methods, directly accessible from the RapierPhysicsServer2D or RapierPhysicsServer3D singletons. You can export and import to both json or binary.
📄️ Deserialization
Deserializing can be useful to reload the exact state the world was left in previously. Similar to serialization functions, there is function that deserializes, but only from binary:
📄️ Determinism
This plugin is deterministic in all variants, even the faster variant. Determinism here means that if the exact same initial conditions are met, the simulation will be exactly the same.
📄️ Performance
Common Pitfalls