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2D and 3D Physics Plugin for Godot 4 with better stability, performance, no ghost collisions and liquids


Fast and Stable

Supports SIMD (Single Instruction/Multiple Data) optimizations and parallelism to get the best performance, while offering better stability in simulations than Godot Physics.


Drop-in Replacement

1 to 1 Compatibility with Godot Physics. Everything is supported, from Rigidbodies, Areas, Shapes and Joints to Character Controller.

2D and 3D

Works on both 2D and 3D thanks to the Rapier and Salva libraries it uses internally.


Simulate different fluids with different density and viscosity that interacts with other objects.


Using Rust serde this plugin is able to save and load the whole state in binary or json.

Cross-platform deterministic

Cross-platform deterministic on all IEEE 754-2008 compliant 32- and 64-bits platforms.

Forever free and Open-Source

Built with a FOSS mindset, we aim to empower the Rust and Godot communities with an efficient physics simulation framework.